Welcome to Illustration Column,
here you can find some of the illustrations I have done over the years.
Banana Rush
Banana Rush is a Level Based casual game , targeted towards kids.
The objective in the game is rather simple : "Collect the banana edible and avoid fruits Which are poisonous or dangerous to your health."
The aim was to teach students the importance of healthy food and what better way to teach them this , than a attractive fun to play Game.
Thoughts And Approach
Coming up with the concept was rather easy compared to making the assets.
since the target audience were below 8, The theme and concept of the game had to be straight forward and obviously should contain a morale ,and as always the mechanics and game systems had to be quite simple.
Hence I chose the theme of avoiding junk food and other unhealthy foods .
Well once the theme was set , coming up with characters , asset and environment was a task on its on.
I chose the overall outlook of the assets to be "attractive "as possible.
And chose the color pallet to be bright and vibrant.
The game had to be fun but at the same time relatable .
Initial designs
Final Design
Coming up with Character and Other Assets
There was a lot of times where I had to redo the assets.
The main character was a Monkey Boy, who is in a forest going on eating his favorite fruit , "Banana".
Animation for the assets are around 4 -12 Frames.
Banana Rush Gameplay Trailer
Final Thoughts
Banana Rush is quite special game to me , as it is my very first 2D game.
I had the opportunity to explore and learn the fundamentals through making this game.
This Game is not one of by best works but is indeed special to me.
I plan on refining and developing it in the future when the right opportunity comes with the knowledge and experience I have at that time. of course there would be improvements obviously!!
I came to learn the basics in unity through making this game , as well as the fundamentals of designing .